Wooooow indeed honey!! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!!! Oooh i bet yougoing to be stalking your postie arent you!! I love looking at all your grgeous cards, cant wait to see what you can come up with when all this stash arrives!!! Zoe xx
I'm a 30-something blogger who lives in Southampton my lovely husband Alistair
I have been crafting since the start of 2008. I love making cards, but also enjoy whipping up a storm with my sewing machine or a pair of knitting needles!
I've had a little bit of a crafting break over the past couple of years, mainly due to my ridiculously demanding day-job. However, I miss crafting so much that I'm determined to make more time for my hobby!
Congratulations! Lots of lovely new craft stash!
Lol, Vicky x
WOW is right. Well done you !!! & thanks for letting me know about my win.
Sharon ;-)
OMG!!! Well done you!!! It'll feel like Christmas when all that stash arrives!!
xx :0)
congratulations - what a lot of fun you will have xx
WOW you hit the jackpot, Congratulations!!! :D
Hi Stacey
Could you contact me urgently please. My number is on my website.
Thank you
am still VERY green! well done you : )
Wooooow indeed honey!! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!!! Oooh i bet yougoing to be stalking your postie arent you!! I love looking at all your grgeous cards, cant wait to see what you can come up with when all this stash arrives!!!
Zoe xx
Wow, that's fantastic. Well done!!
I'm sure you'll enjoy playing.
Kerry xxx
congratulations Stacey......fabulous card!
Congratlations! What a fab prize. Enjoy!
congratulations! That is Awesome!
congratulations :)
WOW - congratulations!
Stacey you have won AGAIN!!!well done you!! You really are a lucky person!!X
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